Please read the terms written below to use this website (www.bytree.com.tr). Every natural and legal person who benefits from the services offered on this SITE or accesses the SITE in any way is deemed to have accepted the following terms of use.


Services offered on this SITE My Company Address By Tree (Mersis No: 0212 XXX XX XX) and is the legal owner of the SITE By Tree , and all kinds of usage and savings authorization on the SITE By Tree It belongs to .

These terms of use can be changed by By Tree when necessary. In case of changes, they will be published on the SITE and will be valid from the same date.

Every natural and legal person who makes use of the SITE services and accesses the SITE, by By Tree Any changes made in the terms of these terms of use are deemed to have been accepted in advance.

By Tree, the information, forms and content contained or to be included in this SITE, as it wishes reserves the right to change the time.


SITE: Within the frame determined by By Tree It is a website that can be accessed from the online environment where various services and content are offered.

MEMBER: Product purchase from By Tree By filling out the membership form chosen completely, By Tree 's memberships are approved by each accepted member. They can become a member by completely filling out the relevant membership form on the SITE with their real identity information.

USER: By Tree by shopping on the website or the person who visits without shopping.

LINK: A link that enables access to another website, files, content or files and content from another website to the SITE through the SITE.

CONTENT: All kinds of information, files, pictures, programs published or accessible on the SITE or any internet site , number, price, etc. visual, written and auditory images.

INTERNET SITE TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT: With real or legal persons who will benefit from the commercial and personalized services offered through the SITE By Tree This is this agreement concluded electronically.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Member's identity, address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, which parts of the SITE he visited, domain type, browser type, date and time of visit, etc. are informed.


By Tree will offer on the SITE including but not limited to services; By Tree's www.bytree.com.tr of the products offered for sale; After the price is paid by the MEMBER, if the supplier's stock status is available, in case the "delivery of the goods, which the contract has imposed on the seller," is feasible, the cargo company will send the goods to the customer within the promised time Delivery on behalf of By Tree .

By Tree covers the scope of services to be provided on the SITE. and it is completely free to determine the nature of the services, and it is deemed to have put into effect the changes to be made regarding the services by publishing it on the SITE.

In order to benefit from the services to be provided within the SITE, users can use By Tree and specified in the content of the relevant section of the SITE. By Tree is completely free to determine these features and will take effect upon publishing the changes to be made on the SITE. It is considered to have been placed.


Those who use the SITE can only transact on the SITE for legal and personal purposes. The legal and penal responsibilities of the USERS and MEMBERS in every transaction and action they take within the SITE belong to them. Every user and every member, By Tree or any other activity that would constitute an infringement of the rights of another third party promises not to be found. By Tree directly or has no indirect responsibility.

The owner of this SITE By Tree' Stop. The information on this site, including texts, pictures, brands, slogans and other signs, as well as programs for the protection of information on other industrial and intellectual property rights, page layout and presentation of the SITE By Tree or By Tree It is the property of the institutions for which 's permission and license is obtained. Any database, website, software-codes, html code and other codes etc. related to the information in this SITE or the SITE pages. It is prohibited to partially or completely copy, modify, publish, send, distribute and sell the products, designs, pictures, texts, visual, audio and other images, video clips, files, catalogs and lists contained in the SITE with online or other media. The USER and MEMBER shall not reproduce, copy, distribute, process the software, hardware and content of the SITE mentioned above and not limited to these, either by these actions or by other means By Tree accepts and undertakes not to compete directly or indirectly. USER and MEMBER, By Tree services, By Tree information and Resell, process, share, distribute, display or otherwise use the copyrighted work of By Tree By Tree does not have the right to access or use its services. Partial copying, distribution, reproduction, display of the information on this page, but only for non-commercial personal needs and By Tree' It is possible with the written permission of.

By Tree, USERS via SITE and the information sent to him by the MEMBERS can be used in accordance with the provisions of the "Privacy Policy" and "Website Terms of Use". It can process this information, classify and store it on a database. By Tree at the same time, the identity, address, e-mail address, telephone number of the USER and MEMBER, IP address, which parts of the SITE visited, domain type, browser type, date of visit, time etc. information may also be used for purposes such as statistical evaluation, announcement of campaigns and providing personalized services. Personal information belonging to USERS and MEMBERS will not be disclosed to real and legal third parties, except for the request of the authorities authorized by law and the cases listed below. Personal information is rarely given to third parties acting for or on behalf of By Tree or By Tree's business to better process the original use of the data or in accordance with the purposes suggested by the USERS and MEMBERS as a better service.

Within these SITE Terms of Use By Tree where expressly authorized By Tree, < span id="span_id_company_short_name">By Tree services, By Tree information, By Tree copyrighted works, By Tree trademarks, By Tree trade view or all other assets and information provided through this SITE reserves its rights.


By Tree, accessing the SITE, The programs of the SITE or the information and other data on the SITE, etc. is not liable for any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to breach of contract, tortious act or other reasons. By Tree, interruption of the transaction, error, does not accept any responsibility for negligence, interruption. By accessing this SITE or other linked websites or using the SITE, By Tree' It is accepted that the website is exempted from any liability that may arise as a result of its use/visit, from all kinds of damages and claims, including court and other costs.


By Tree< /span> may assign this agreement in whole or in part at any time without notice. However, the USER and MEMBER cannot transfer this contract or any part of it to another party. Any such transfer attempt is invalid.

Force Majeure

In all cases deemed force majeure by law, By Tree is not liable for late performance or non-performance of this "Website terms of use and membership agreement". This and similar situations shall not be deemed as delay or non-performance or default in terms of By Tree or for these cases By Tree will not be liable for any compensation.


Disputes arising from this "Website terms of use and membership agreement" are subject to Turkish Law and is the jurisdiction of the competent court and enforcement offices. shall be determined according to the laws of the applicable law. By Tree's The right to file a lawsuit in the country where the USER and MEMBER is located.


This "Website terms of use and membership agreement", By Tree in the SITE content. USERS and MEMBERS accept the provisions of this agreement by using the SITE. By Tree may change the provisions of this agreement at any time, and the changes can be made on the SITE by specifying the version number and date of change. is published and enters into force on the same date.

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