There was a smiling child in the middle of life. He was smiling at people with the enthusiasm of seeing the most meaningful face of life, despite all the crowd and rush. He was just smiling, not knowing whether it was the sun, the earth, or running around among the trees that made him so happy... "Happiness has a tone…" said his sister to the beautiful olive-eyed boy. And he continued; "The blackness of your eyes comes from a miracle tree, that's why you see life so brightly. You are part of a big family. You should know the value of running and playing in this land, child. Look, our olive tree, which our grandfather gave us as a gift. It is called the immortal tree, which continues to live regardless of thirst and heat. because it is a miraculous tree." The boy looked at her with curious, loving eyes. He smiled again…
They watched their precious trees together every day. They learned the delicate character of the fruit of the everlasting tree. They understood that the broad-stemmed tree, which withstands cold winters and hot summers, only generously offers its fruit when eternal love is shown. Over time, they became more attached to their trees, which grew stronger as they got older. And they saw the beauty of dedicating your life to the tree...
They thought about the times when they were impatiently waiting for their grandfather to bring the olives that they collect and touch their souls each year, to the table as juice. Time was beautiful, but it passed, the beauty of nature remained the same, but the people who lived this beauty have changed. Time taught them to appreciate, even if it passes, every day a little more emotion to their souls…
Time passed and years passed. He grew up to be a beautiful boy with olive eyes. Like every child, he would see life with different eyes. In the future, he would hope, struggle, get tired, but be happy like his family, in this garden of paradise. Time passed and the years passed like that. One day, the beautiful boy with olive eyes found himself waking up under a very old olive tree. He looked around, surprised. It was then that he first saw that this was an olive grove. It was then that he realized that the tree his grandfather had given him had many friends. And he touched that strong trunk of the olive tree and named the tree as 'my tree of life'. Because the olive tree had the power to give life to life. He had seen it in his grandfather's eyes, in his father's hands. He had heard this feeling when the love that brought his family together was transferred to the olive fruit.
The boy had grown up now. He knew that the gifts of nature were not given so easily, that they had to be deserved first. He should have taken good care of his olive grove. Because that immortal tree was now the most precious gift from his family. And he would continue to give life to life with his strong body. The boy knew this, and that's why he was smiling again, looking at the most meaningful face of life with those beautiful olive eyes…